HKS Education Fund Limited

The HKS Education Fund (HKSEF) was founded in 2005 by a major shareholder of our holding company Hongkong Sales (International) Ltd (HKSI).

The major shareholder donated 51% of the shares to the Fund in creating a sustainable capital-social-enterprise operation platform. Business projects under the aegis of this platform would generate a stable source of funding to support the charitable initiatives of the HKSEF.


  • To raise the morality of contemporary society by supporting moral education for children & youths, parents and teachers.
  • By sharing profit among investors and business operators, mostly minority shareholders and staff; not only the interest of various stakeholders are aligned but also more people would be morphed to the middle class, hence a step closer to a harmonious society with shared prosperity.

HKSEF Support Areas

Sponsorship of human capital development and moral education for under-privileged children and youths in China including:

  • Moral education for children (especially under the age of 12), parents and teachers
  • Vocational training for youth (focus on junior high school graduates)
  • Education for under-privileged (including education for migrant children)
  • Education endowment

The HKS Education Fund Limited